Mental and Physical Breaks From ACL Rehab

Usually between months 3-4 post-op ACLR rehab, I'll notice patients getting SICK or SORE; and it's usually a sign that they're cooked and are in need of a temporary break from rehab.
There's only so much progressive overload that the body can take, and although it may seem counter-intuitive; having a week off from structured ACL rehab every 6-8 weeks will do you the world of good - both physically and mentally.
ACLR rehab is a massive 9-12 month commitment (at least), and it's impossible to train week in/week out for this length of time - with progressive overload - and expect to get a great outcome.
For some, having a week off structured rehab may be difficult to do. Remember, it doesn't have to be a week of bingeing Netflix without leaving the house; but doing something with less structure and less intensity during this time, will do you and your rehab a whole world of good.
Just make sure you work with an experienced sports physiotherapist and/or exercise professional throughout your ACLR rehab to work in periods of rest/recovery with blocks of progressive high-quality rehab & training.
If you're interested in learning more about ACL rehab, consider signing up to Learn.Physio online ACL Masterclasses here