22 ACL Papers That Have Shaped My Clinical Practice

Image: Hewett et al (2005)
Over the last decade, there has been a plethora of research papers published on the ACL. As a result, I want to share with you some of the key papers that have been published during this time that have shaped my clinical practice.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of papers on ACL rehabilitation, but it definitely contains the papers that I consider to be game-changers that I encourage all health professionals to read who have an interest in ACL injury and ACL rehabilitation.
Links with full text access:

Image: Quatman & Hewett (2009)

Links, but with no full text access.

I hope you get something out of these papers as much as what I have!
If you are still thirsty for more ACL knowledge, consider signing up to my online ACL Masterclasses at www.learn.physio!
Click on the links below to see what each Masterclass contains. Don't forget, health professionals can register these courses as continuing professional development, and they are tax deductible:
Also don't forget the Melbourne ACL Rehabilitation Guide is now FREE and online!
Click on the link here to start using it with your patients today!