Injury Prevention vs Performance Enhancement

2 recent studies have shed light on the positive effects of "Injury Prevention Programs" on performance outcome measures. Anecdotally, we often hear that "Injury Prevention Programs" have poor compliance from coaching staff and athletes. With this new research, it begs the question; To increase adherence to "Injury Prevention Programs", should we start referring to them as "Performance Enhancement Programs"?
I think so..

In a very recent study, not only did the FIFA 11+ Injury Prevention Program decrease the risk of injury in a group of soccer players, it also significantly improved balance, jumping and sprint performance measures (Ayala et al, 2017)
Furthermore, in a study of adolescent netball players, a 6 week Injury Prevention Program improved speed, agility, power and balance outcome measures vs those that didn't complete the program (Hopper et al, 2017).

Take home messages:
Programs that reduce injury risk AND improve speed, agility and balance measures are a no-brainer for me. Less injuries, greater player physical attributes and greater team cohesion equates to greater team success.
I think it's time we view these Injury Prevention Programs in a different light. What do you think?
For more reading see previous blog on this topic:
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