Foot Position Influences Hamstring Activity
Can foot position influence hamstring muscle activity? In some exercises, yes it can. In this fascinating paper by Beuchat & Maffiuletti...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Normative Hop Test Data
A battery of 4 single-leg hop tests are commonly used to evaluate readiness to return to training and sport in ACL injured athletes....
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Muscle Wasting Following Knee Surgery
Quads and hamstrings wasting following ACL injury and ACLR surgery can unfortunately be inevitable in the first few weeks following...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

ACL Injury: Treatment Options
The number of ACL reconstructions (ACLR) being performed in Australia, particularly in young people, has risen significantly in recent...
Mick Hughes
Dec 3, 2019

Return To Sport Tests: The Star Excursion Balance Test.
What tests do you use to guide your patient's/athlete's return to sport following lower limb injury; such as ankle sprains or knee/hip...
Mick Hughes
Jun 8, 2017

Sleep, Injury & Performance
For elite athletes sleep is a crucial part of their preparation for sport and an even more crucial part of their recovery from matches...
Mick Hughes
May 26, 2017