Soleus Strengthening for ACL Rehab
I know I bang on A LOT about how important the quads are for ACL rehab (and this won't change anytime soon), but another muscle we need...
Mick Hughes
Sep 8, 2021

Return to Sport Following ACL Reconstruction
It's widely accepted now that passing criteria before returning to sport following ACLR is best practice and is associated with better...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Return to Training Following ACL Reconstruction
We often talk about setting benchmarks for return to running and return to sport for the ACLR athlete; but it can be a bit more...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Reducing 2nd ACL Injury Risk
Here is a really interesting paper with some surprising findings. 192 young , highly active ACLR athletes (ave age 21yrs, Tegner Activity...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Hamstring Rehab Program
Ryan Timmins and colleagues have produced a tremendous body of work in the hamstring injury rehab and injury prevention space. Timmins et...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Do You Assess Joint Hypermobility?
The Beighton Score is the most commonly reported measurement tool for differentiating between those with and without Generalised Joint...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Foot Position Influences Hamstring Activity
Can foot position influence hamstring muscle activity? In some exercises, yes it can. In this fascinating paper by Beuchat & Maffiuletti...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Nordic Hamstring Exercise in Females
In one of the first research trials of its kind, the Nordic Hamstring exercise was studied in a group of professional female soccer...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Injury Prevention Program Resources
If you haven't already figured out by now, I like to blog about reducing injury risk in young athletes. You've probably also heard me...
Mick Hughes
Aug 11, 2019

Return To Sport Tests: The Star Excursion Balance Test.
What tests do you use to guide your patient's/athlete's return to sport following lower limb injury; such as ankle sprains or knee/hip...
Mick Hughes
Jun 8, 2017