Adductor Squeeze Test for Groin Injury
A great quick screen you can use to assess function in your athletes with adductor-related or hip-related groin pain. Red light: The...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Return to Training Following ACL Reconstruction
We often talk about setting benchmarks for return to running and return to sport for the ACLR athlete; but it can be a bit more...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Managing Expectations Following ACL Injury
It's important that we are having honest discussions with our ACLR patients about what the chances are of them returning to pre-injury...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Blood Flow Restriction for ACLR Rehab
A great research paper by Hughes and his colleagues. This was a study that directly compared heavy load resistance training with BFR...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Reducing 2nd ACL Injury Risk
Here is a really interesting paper with some surprising findings. 192 young , highly active ACLR athletes (ave age 21yrs, Tegner Activity...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Hamstring Rehab Program
Ryan Timmins and colleagues have produced a tremendous body of work in the hamstring injury rehab and injury prevention space. Timmins et...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Pre-op ACLR Rehab Program
There's often a belief that the knee has to be rested following ACL injury. However there's strong evidence that supports high load...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

ACL Rehab Program
Once the knee has settled following ACL injury, consistent evidence that we're seeing in the ACL literature from the Delaware-Oslo ACL...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

ACLR or Non-op Management?
10 years on from the game-changing research from Frobell and colleagues who showed that non-operative management of ACL injuries can be...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Plyometrics & Eccentrics for ACLR Rehab
A great study here by Kasmi et al (2021) looking at the benefits of plyometrics and eccentric exercises in female ACLR athletes. After 14...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021