Single Leg Vertical Hop Assessment for ACLR Athletes
Do you measure vertical jump/hop ability? This recent paper by Ebert et al (2021) on commonly used hop tests following ACL...
Mick Hughes
Sep 8, 2021

Countermovement Jump Assessment for ACLR Athletes
For the vast majority of ACLR athletes I manage, this will be the first time ever working with them. For that reason I won't have a...
Mick Hughes
Sep 8, 2021

Hop Test Benchmarks
It wasnt the main purpose of the study, but van Melick et al (2019) reported some nice benchmarks for young, male ACLR patients to strive...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Return to Sport Following ACL Reconstruction
It's widely accepted now that passing criteria before returning to sport following ACLR is best practice and is associated with better...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Normative Hop Test Data
A battery of 4 single-leg hop tests are commonly used to evaluate readiness to return to training and sport in ACL injured athletes....
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Return To Sport Test: The Hop Test Battery.
I've previously posted about the single leg hop test and its role in the decision-making process regearding return to sport following...
Mick Hughes
Jun 18, 2017

Return to Sport Testing: Single Leg Hop Test.
Last week I shared a simple clinical test (Star Excursion Balance Test) that can be used to help guide the decision-making process around...
Mick Hughes
Jun 12, 2017