Mick Hughes
Sep 8, 2021
Intramuscular Tendon Tears of the Hamstrings
Pollock et al just published a brilliant piece of research in British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) highlighting that injuries to the...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021
Hamstring Rehab Program
Ryan Timmins and colleagues have produced a tremendous body of work in the hamstring injury rehab and injury prevention space. Timmins et...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021
Foot Position Influences Hamstring Activity
Can foot position influence hamstring muscle activity? In some exercises, yes it can. In this fascinating paper by Beuchat & Maffiuletti...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021
Nordic Hamstring Exercise in Females
In one of the first research trials of its kind, the Nordic Hamstring exercise was studied in a group of professional female soccer...