ACLR or Non-op Management?
10 years on from the game-changing research from Frobell and colleagues who showed that non-operative management of ACL injuries can be...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Plyometrics & Eccentrics for ACLR Rehab
A great study here by Kasmi et al (2021) looking at the benefits of plyometrics and eccentric exercises in female ACLR athletes. After 14...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Normative Hop Test Data
A battery of 4 single-leg hop tests are commonly used to evaluate readiness to return to training and sport in ACL injured athletes....
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

Muscle Wasting Following Knee Surgery
Quads and hamstrings wasting following ACL injury and ACLR surgery can unfortunately be inevitable in the first few weeks following...
Mick Hughes
Sep 7, 2021

22 ACL Papers That Have Shaped My Clinical Practice
Image: Hewett et al (2005) Over the last decade, there has been a plethora of research papers published on the ACL. As a result, I want...
Mick Hughes
Jul 3, 2020

ACL Injury: Treatment Options
The number of ACL reconstructions (ACLR) being performed in Australia, particularly in young people, has risen significantly in recent...
Mick Hughes
Dec 3, 2019

ACL Infographic
This year I completed my Masters of Sports Physiotherapy degree through La Trobe University and on top of a written assignment and...
Mick Hughes
Nov 25, 2019

Open Chain v Closed Chain: What strains the ACL more?
Do knee extensions strain the ACL? Yes. Do squats and lunges strain the ACL? Yes. Does walking on flat ground, climbing stairs and...
Mick Hughes
Dec 18, 2018

ACL Rehabilitation: Prone Terminal Knee Extensions
Getting the knee actively into extension is an important goal in the first few days/weeks following ACL reconstruction. Here is a very...
Mick Hughes
Dec 16, 2018

Sport Performance Following ACL Injury
I’ve written quite a bit in the past about ACL injury; at-risk age groups, risk factors, when is it safe to return to sport following ACL...
Mick Hughes
Jul 18, 2016