Open Chain v Closed Chain: What strains the ACL more?
Do knee extensions strain the ACL? Yes. Do squats and lunges strain the ACL? Yes. Does walking on flat ground, climbing stairs and...
Mick Hughes
Dec 18, 2018

ACL Rehabilitation: Prone Terminal Knee Extensions
Getting the knee actively into extension is an important goal in the first few days/weeks following ACL reconstruction. Here is a very...
Mick Hughes
Dec 16, 2018

ACL Injury - Indirect Contact Mechanism
Did you know that "Indirect Contact" ACL injuries accounts for up to 68% of all "Non-Contact" ACL injuries in NFL, 50% in netball and 20%...
Mick Hughes
Dec 13, 2018

Assisted Nordic Hamstring Exercise
When added to injury prevention programs, the traditional Nordic hamstring exercise has been shown to decrease hamstring strains by 50% -...
Mick Hughes
Dec 12, 2018