Return To Sport Test: The Hop Test Battery.
I've previously posted about the single leg hop test and its role in the decision-making process regearding return to sport following...
Mick Hughes
Jun 18, 2017

Return to Sport Testing: Single Leg Hop Test.
Last week I shared a simple clinical test (Star Excursion Balance Test) that can be used to help guide the decision-making process around...
Mick Hughes
Jun 12, 2017

Return To Sport Tests: The Star Excursion Balance Test.
What tests do you use to guide your patient's/athlete's return to sport following lower limb injury; such as ankle sprains or knee/hip...
Mick Hughes
Jun 8, 2017

There is no such thing as a "BAD" exercise.
Squats often get a bad rap for hurting people's knees, and there's a lot of argument about how you should do them. First things first:...
Mick Hughes
Jun 2, 2017