Low Back Pain in the Adolescent Athlete
After spending the last few posts on ACL and PFJ injuries, I am now going to turn my attention to low back pain in the active teenage...
Mick Hughes
Jun 22, 2016

ACL Injuries in the General Population
Since I was on the topic of ACL injuries in the adolescent female last week, I thought I might broaden my scope a little and cover some...
Mick Hughes
Jun 21, 2016

Patellofemoral Joint Pain
Earlier this week I shared a link to a recent paper about generalised knee pain in adolescents. It highlighted the fact that we need to...
Mick Hughes
Jun 21, 2016

Patella Tendon Pain
I was talking to a colleague a few weeks ago, who works with volleyball players, and he was telling me that a “positive pain” culture...
Mick Hughes
Jun 21, 2016

Hamstring Injuries: A Review of the Recent Literature
I often tell my patients presenting with a hamstring injury, “If you’re going to hurt one thing in your body, you might as well hurt your...
Mick Hughes
Jun 19, 2016

Resistance Training and Running.
So I'm going to temporarily turn my attention from ACL injuries, to resistance training in runners. Or specifically, lack thereof. The...
Mick Hughes
Jun 5, 2016

When Can I Return To Sport After ACL Surgery?
This question is one that I get asked often by patients who are planning surgery after rupturing their ACL. Unfortunately for my...
Mick Hughes
Jun 2, 2016