ACL Injuries In The Adolescent Female
I shared a link to a paper on LinkedIn recently regarding landing technique in adolescent females during a growth spurt. This research...
Mick Hughes
May 31, 2016

Concussion And Return To Sport: Is The SCAT-3 Enough?
Concussion is a hot topic in sporting circles at the moment. It has gained a lot of media attention recently, and there has been a HUGE...
Mick Hughes
May 26, 2016

Physiotherapy, Exercise and Health Promotion: We Can Be Doing A Better Job!
I am probably wearing my Exercise Physiologist hat, more so than my Physiotherapist hat as I write this post today, but I think us...
Mick Hughes
May 24, 2016

Resistance Training In The Young Athlete
For those of you that know me well, you would know that I've got a special interest in the adolescent athletic population. Now I know...
Mick Hughes
May 22, 2016

Injury Prevention? Or Performance Enhancement?
Earlier this month I shared a post about the financial cost of sporting injuries to teenage kids in Victoria between 2004-10. It's scary....
Mick Hughes
May 21, 2016

Load Management Part 2: The Effects of Detraining
Earlier on this week I wrote a blog on Load Management, specifically on the topic of the acute to chronic workload ratio (ACWR). As...
Mick Hughes
May 19, 2016

To Stretch Or To Strengthen? That Is The Question!
I often get asked by my patients how to best manage their injuries at home or in the gym. The question that they often ask is: Should I...
Mick Hughes
May 18, 2016

Pre-operative Physiotherapy For ACL Injury
I had a patient present last week who hurt her knee in the first few minutes of a social game of basketball. She reported that she was...
Mick Hughes
May 14, 2016

ACL Injury: Prevention Is Better Than Cure
I cover ACL injuries quite a bit in my blogs, and the reason for this is fairly straight forward: They are one of the most devastating...
Mick Hughes
May 11, 2016